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Incident 375: No Foolin’ – Logan Aarons

Even the most seemingly perfect resident in thee Halfway House has some sort of secret indiscretion – otherwise he wouldn’t be here. At least the sneaky ones keep a clean room and are generally behaved. That said, our very thorough House Managers will find a way to sniff out any furtive rule-breaking.This bozo got caught, too – just like the rest of them. Sure enough, once the contraband was found, the guy had a dick in his mouth quicker than you can chug down a cold one. Nothing hotter for a House Manager than to see a sexy young man on his knees servicing a thick cock. Before long, the resident was face down and ass up, showing off his pink to his superior. After some skull fucking, that pink got wrecked, too. This guy was obviously not experienced with majorly thick things up his ass, so he was struggling to keep his composure while the Manager thrusted deeper and deeper into his tight little fuck hole. He never really did get used to it, but he sure did submit like the beta he is. After much deep plowing, his hole was worn the fuck out, and he went ass-to-mouth on the Manager’s cock, pleasuring him until he forced the Manager to give him a big load into his mouth and all over his face
