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Incident 396: Take A Bite Out Of Crime – Jaymes Savage

Guys who like fast cars and loose women usually have a problem as they head into adulthood. The exhilaration of speed can soon translate into more risky ventures. Before you know it, you’re in the slammer. To make matters worse, when you finally get out, you are on probation and relegated to a halfway house. This resident, however, is very fortunate that he fell into our orbit, because we intend to show him the right path. He’s already messed up by stealing a House Manager’s dough, so first offense is a little more brutal for him than for most. Turns out that he’s not only a terrific lay, he can deep throat a cock and take a pounding better than your average felon. What’s more, he seems to like it. He’s pretty fucked in the head, so I’m guessing that any human touch at this point is going to be a turn on, even if he’s being denigrated in the process. Well, he’s paying for his transgressions by taking a cock up the bum and eating his own jizz that he released while riding House Manager pole. That’s not the only cum in question, however. He also takes a deep load of sperm deep inside before being slapped around one last time.


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