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Incident 409: Nice To Have You Back – Eddie Patrick

We get a lot of repeat residents, so it was no surprise when this one re-appeared. He had also learned a new gimmick since we saw him last, which was going overboard on personal devotion. To us House Managers, this was just another indication that he was either delusional or faking his recovery altogether. All of the excessive praying got to be a bit tedious, but one House Manager in particular was excited to see a guy so eager to be on his knees. It wasn’t too much of a stretch to get him to swallow some cock as well. To be honest, this guy is a born cock sucker, but that isn’t his best trick. He has buns of steel and it’s the kind of ass that you just want to fuck until it is raw and swollen. He takes dick well, too. Whether in doggie or missionary, his hole just accommodates a fat dick. The resident gets pounded down so good, and his hole shows it. The manager even has him go ass to mouth on his dick to make sure he understands his role – which is subservient. After some more great fucking, the Manager dumps his load and slides his cock back in for good measure. It sure is nice to have such a great cum dump return to the House, and we will make sure that he gets all of the attention he deserves
