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Introducing Chance

Chance mentions in his introductory solo he’s been told he has a decent physique. Chance! Whoever told you that was hugely understating things! Chance has himself a super sexy physique, and you’re all about to see that hot body is just one among the many countless super sexy things about this young stud! Chance is handsome, confident, outgoing, friendly, and has a smile and eyes that’ll charm you over in an instant. He’s a stellar soccer player, and we absolutely love our soccer jocks here at CF. Don’t go thinking this young stud is just a jock, though – he’s a skilled, clever, and talented chess player as well! Dare I say it, but Chance is the whole package! Speaking of Chance’s package… well, you’re going to love that also! When this sexy young stud is done telling us about his soccer and chess exploits, he starts to strip off his clothes to reveal that hot body and peel down his underwear to reveal that big dick of his is already rock-hard and ready to go. From that point, if you can manage to pull your eyes away from the sexy face, body, and cock, you’re just treated to more and more glorious views as you stare at his big balls, hot ass, and more – glorious delights at every turn and from every angle!
