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Jack Andy & Devin Franco – Caulk Job

Devin Franco is working late on some stilts patching up a wall. Jack Andy comes in to check on him and notices Devin has a hole in the back of his pants. Jack quickly lets Devin know, and instantly makes the hole bigger so he can bury his face in Devin’s crack. Devin invites Jack further in, where he drills his tongue and fingers deep in Devin’s hole. After Devin gets rimmed, they both take turns slurping on each other’s cocks. Devin sits down and back on Jack’s raw dick, using the scaffolding as a brace. Jack shows zero remorse as he pounds Devin’s prostate relentlessly. Switching positions, Devin is on his back still strapped in his stilts receiving Jack’s pole in his hole bareback. While Devin is getting his hole stretched, he lets out a thick load that coats his abs with thick ropes. Jack promptly follows up with his own thick load that gets added to the sticky mess covering Devin’s abs.


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