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Jack Pleasing Rocky

OK look – we all know Rocky blasts out massive loads. He’s shot some of the biggest, most impressive loads we’ve ever caught on camera and it never ceases to amaze me just how much he can cum, every time we see him cum. Well, those of you who saw Jack’s debut episode with Barron know that, when it comes to Rocky firing off the biggest loads at CF, a challenger emerges! But hey, this isn’t really about having them compete with one another. After all, we’re all winners when Rocky and Jack team up to suck, fuck, and fire off their loads together. But if we absolutely had to pick a winner here, it’s probably Jack because he not only completely drenches himself with his own load while Rocky drills his hole, but he then gets nearly drowned in Rocky’s monumental load as Rocky blasts out jet after powerful jet of cum all over Jack’s face and body. I genuinely don’t think we’ve ever filmed a pairing that involves this much cum, and that’s even before we add in all the loads you will be firing off as you watch this!


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