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Jack Valor, Caden Dior & Evan Jordie – Good Boy

Caden and Evan visit a special boutique filled with kinky toys to play with. They are not alone, as doggy-boy Jack Valor joins sported by a leash. Evan and Caden have a soft side for sub-bottoms who like getting creative before getting fucked hard. Fortunately, Jack wants his dominant owners to treat this bad boy to a hell of a moment at the kinky boutique, trying out the different items and ideas on him. There are mannequins, fake pussies, and various items to make Jack feel like Evan and Caden’s whore, and the guys are in dire need of fucking a young and nice hole that doesn’t ask too many questions. Everything will be ok as long as Jack’s mouth and butt can take as much dick as possible, and Rough is Jack’s middle name, so he won’t be happy until his ass is intensely pounded and his smooth body is covered in sweet cum.
