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James Bennett & Axel Blaise

This isn’t the first time Polish boy Axel has fucked on camera, and it shows in his confidence and horniness with gorgeous James. He’s making his debut for us with one of the hottest boys and we couldn’t be happier. These two are perfect together, so hard and horny from the start, the mutual sucking and hole rimming 69 the two share is so awesome to watch but you know they’re just working up to some of the hottest and sweatiest fucking. James eases into that tight hole and fucks his friend from behind, giving his new buddy a ride on his rigid inches, finally pounding him on his back while sweat drips from every pore. You won’t be surprised to see such a big splashing mess of hot cum leaping out over fit bottom Axel by the end of it, clearly they both had an amazing time!


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