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James Bennett & Tommy Steele

We saw Tommy in his first duo in January, and we desperately wanted to get him back as soon as possible. We had the right guy for him too, with sexy James eager to get back in front of the cameras and get to know another one of our guys. The duo are a great match, they have a perfect energy together, it’s clear when they get those cocks out of their underwear and really go to town on those boners! There’s some awesome sucking between these guys, genuine hunger for dick displayed, but it’s the fucking that really takes this pairing to the next level. Tanned James slides into Tommy’s pale hole and starts pounding him from behind, then gives the boy a thrusting ride on his cock before getting the lad on his back for some ball bouncing anal thrusting that you’re gonna love watching from behind (seriously, check out James’ arse!). It all culminates in a treat for cum splashing fans as the sweaty boys wank their meat and launch their loads over themselves, a perfect sticky finish.
