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James Bennett & Troy Turner

James just happened to be in the office when we got some pics of handsome Troy and he called first dibs. We’re never gonna turn down an opportunity like that so we booked them both for a horny session straight away. No doubt handsome new guy Troy needs a few more experienced in front of the cameras to get to grips with things, but James has a great time getting his career started. The two suck and slurp those delicious dicks and soon enough Troy is sliding into his butt and giving the handsome boy a great ramming, from behind and riding too, then on his back and making him splash a good load of hot juice over himself! Troy couldn’t help himself when it came to his own load, cumming in the condom and pulling out to drip the mess over his new friend. After a debut like this we can’t wait to see more of this handsome guy, and well done James for breaking him in and taking that cock like a champ!


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