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James Manziel flip fucks Max Summerfield

Needing your fix of James Manziel? We don’t blame you 😉 Another member favorite, Max Summerfield, returns for some more fucking after nearly a year hiatus. Boy, are we thankful for that! Max told us off camera that he had been watching some of James’s more recent scenes on GayHoopla. James’s booty was just too much for bearded blue-eyed hunk Max. So he gave us a call and asked to come back to shoot again, but under one condition… he gets to fuck that tight James Manziel ass. Ironically enough, we were already set up to shoot with James in the coming weeks. This was too good to be true. When James asked us who he would be shooting with, we told him Max Summerfield and his only request was that he wanted to fuck Max too. Of course Max was down and a scorching hot fuck sesh commenced. Two gorgeous men fucking/getting fucked… what’s better than that??


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