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Jared Gets a Load of Jesse

The shy and timid newcomer who isn’t sure what to do? Jesse is not one of those! Getting the chance to have himself some fun with hung and sexy Jared, Jesse just can’t restrain himself and is all over Jared immediately! Jesse simply could not wait to get Jared’s big, thick, uncut cock as deep down his throat as possible, and he’s soon choking and gagging on it while Jared lays back and enjoys not only how it feels, but how much he’s loving having a ripped-bodied newcomer practically worshipping his cock. We all know Jared well enough to know he wanted to take a spin on Jesse’s dick as well, though, and Jared soon finds himself doing exactly that. Jesse being the energetic and athletic stud he is, Jared finds himself on the receiving end of a hard, fast, relentless pounding that leaves both these studs’ balls completely drained!


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