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Jared & Rocky Fillin’ Dylan

It sure as heck says a lot about how far Dylan’s come since we first met him on CF a couple of years ago to his appearing in this episode now! Dylan went from not really being interested at all in guy/guy action and essentially disappearing from CF for over a year to being here now as one of our most popular (all-time!) guys, getting tag-teamed by two hung tops! Dylan just blows us all away each new time we see him, and this blazing hot episode here will blow you away to all new extremes – it’s beyond intense! Of course, having Rocky and Jared being the ones to team up on Dylan most definitely help amp up the intensity of this one. Both guys were thrilled at the opportunity to work over Dylan, both clearly find Dylan as hot as the rest of us find him, and both never fail to impress with their skills in the bedroom. And courtesy of both Rocky and Jared here, Dylan most definitely gets a fillin’!


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