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Jared Swallows Dane

Jared’s living out a fantasy many of us have had – getting to have himself some fun with Dane! Jared even confessed to watching and getting off to one of Dane’s videos a couple days before they got together for the action here, so you just know he couldn’t wait for this session! If Jared’s fantasies about Dane involved getting worked over hard and even bossed around a bit by him, then Jared was most definitely as happy as could be with the way things played out as the cameras got rolling here – mere minutes in to this episode, Jared’s on his back, bent in half, legs in the air, Dane’s dick balls-deep in his throat and fingers knuckles-deep in his hole. Dane’s fingers are soon replaced by Dane’s cock, and Dane was intent on absolutely railing Jared! I think Dane was super turned on knowing Jared was so in to him and so eager for this, and Dane wanted to make sure he lived up to – and even exceeded – every one of Jared’s expectations!


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