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Jason Windsor & Mitch Matthews – Serviced

Jason’s solo was amazing! And now I am equally impressed with Jason Windsor’s cock-sucking skills! As usual, any time Mitch is in the room, there was instant chemistry. They start by jerking-off across from each other, when Jason got on his knees and started sucking on Mitch’s cock. Jason has got skills! He could easily deep throat Mitch. Take notice of his ass too, he has it all thrust out too, begging for some attention. Then Mitch sucked on Jason, getting his cock fully hard. Mitch could tell that Jason could use a little anal attention, and tosses him back on the bed to get in a good rimming. This REALLY turned Jason on! Mitch crawled over him, and 69’d on top of him. It is a good thing Jason can deep throat, because Mitch went balls deep with his long cock! Mitch stood upright and unloaded into Jason’s mouth. About five seconds later, Jason shoots his own load. Perfect timing!!!I want to get Jason Windsor back asap! Both Mitch and Jason are fantastic in this video!


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