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Jax Thirio Fucks Max Mabry For the First Time

Jax is doing some cleaning at his place when he receives an audio from the cutest twink. His name is Max, he calls Jax daddy and he wants to hang out with him. The two Facetime for a little while and Max finally drops by to meet his favorite pornstar. The skinny boy is a huge fan of Jax’s work and is constantly stroking his cock to any new video he finds of him. He hasn’t had the chance to pop his butt cherry yet, so he’s kinda wondering if Jax can be the first man to stuff his hole with meat. Jax is flattered by the invitation and more than eager to initiate Max into the kinky business of bottoming for hung daddies like himself. Jax starts off gently by giving the boy a tender makeout session. As Max gets comfortable, Jax plays with his hole for a little while to ensure he is ready for the big stuff. Soon, Jax is pounding the boy’s ass nice and easy, opening up a new world of naughty gay sex for him.
