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Jaxon Valor & TD Graham

Chicago buds Jaxon Valor and TD Graham flip-fuck in their first one-on-one scene together showing that sex with friends can be fun. They’re so at ease kissing and trading blowjobs that they try out some things like Jaxon getting into creatively indescribable 69 position when TD eats out his furry hole. Finally Jaxon starts fucking TD doggy style for a marathon non-stop sex. TD gets his turn pounding Jaxon from behind and they trade off many times, getting more uninhibited with each round. It leads to another tryout move: TD pounding Jaxon in a reverse piledriver position! Eventually Jaxon takes charge, drilling TD on his back, fucking a load out of him and then shooting and creaming his hole. Is it any wonder at the end they agree they should have been fucking years ago?
