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Jaxxing Caleb

The smirk on Jaxx’s face as he whips that big dick out to present it to Caleb at the very start of this episode says it all – Caleb is about to get FUCKED. And as we’ve come to figure out since first seeing Caleb get dicked down good and proper here at CF, he’s gonna love it! Indeed, with our knowing just how rock-hard Caleb’s dick is while his hole is getting drilled, how good it feels for him to have a hard dick inside him, how skilled Jaxx is at delivering hot fucks, and how Jaxx’s thick dick has done the trick for many a CF stud, there’s little doubt these two are set to have some fun as the cameras turn on and clothes come off. We’re all rewarded wight the sight of Caleb taking it every way Jaxx wants to give it, a steady stream of Caleb’s moans and groans as his hole gets worked over, and Jaxx feeding Caleb a nice big load that Caleb hungrily laps up to thank Jaxx for fucking a big load out of him a little while earlier.


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