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Jay Tee, Julian Brady & Trevor Brooks – Game Changer

Julian Brady and his boyfriend, Jay Tee, are playing a video game. Julian’s stepbrother, Trevor Brooks, is jealous and annoyed, saying he wants a turn playing with Julian. Urging him to be patient, Julian reassures Trevor that he’ll have a turn after the current level is done. As Julian and Jay continue playing, Trevor makes little jabs about Jay’s gaming skills. Eventually, Jay leaves to get some snacks. Trevor is eager to play with Julian, but Julian asks why Trevor is being so rude to Jay. Trevor denies it at first, but then admits he’s jealous. Julian mistakenly thinks that Trevor is jealous of him because he has a boyfriend. But Trevor clarifies that he’s jealous of Jay… because Trevor is attracted to Julian. Julian is surprised, admitting that he’s had some of those feelings too, but didn’t think he could act on it. But Trevor convinces him that they CAN. Julian and Trevor kiss, and eventually start playing with each other’s asses. Jay then returns with snacks, and is shocked to see what’s happening. Julian tells Jay and Trevor that he likes BOTH of them, and everyone agrees to try sharing. Jay gets behind Julian and Trevor as he gropes their asses. Meanwhile, Julian and Trevor continue kissing, and even playing the video game for a bit. But eventually, Julian and Trevor put down the video game controllers so they can put their full attention into the sexy threesome!
