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Jaymie Young & Alon Kemey

After Alon’s first debut we couldn’t wait to get him back for another round, and who better to team him up with than a hung new arrival! Jayme is new in town, but he’s ready to give this sexy young man a proper fucking, after they’ve totally explored each other and sucked those pricks in some hot shared oral, of course! Still in his underwear Alon can’t seem to wait to get on that big cock, after deep throating it with greed. He bounced on that dong like a champ and takes it hard from behind before Jaymie gets his new friend into his fave position and fucks him until he’s splashed with his own load. Jaymie isn’t done yet, pounding his hole until he’s unloading into the condom and pulling out to empty it over Alon’s sticky body. The final cum-tasting kiss is so hot, if you haven’t unloaded by then that’ll definitely do it!


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