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JC Hunt & Cade Maddox – Worship Me

Cade Maddox may have been knocked down during his last battle with ‘The Swords’, but that doesn’t mean he’s incapable of rising again to be worshiped as the porn god he truly is. Escaping to Big Bear, Cade starts his new chapter by blessing JC Hunt with the opportunity to adore his thick cock and perfect build. JC raves about the taste and size of Cade’s member before throwing his legs in the air and having Cade rim his hole in preparation for the bareback pounding he’s about to receive. Once Cade is inside him, JC moans in appreciation as Cade’s big dick slides in and out of his juicy asshole, even begging the star stud to open him up even more. With both men ready to blow, Cade holds JC’s legs apart as the grateful bottom unloads onto his own torso before Cade pulls out to unleash his nut directly into JC’s mouth.


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