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Jerry Cabrera Fucks New Bottom Neal Peterson

Neal Peterson makes his GayHoopla debut in the best way possible, opening up the interview deep-throating Jerry Cabrera’s pretty big dick. Neal takes a minute to say hello, then puts his dog treat bone, right back into his mouth. This had to be Jerry’s best top performance ever! As soon as he got into Neal’s twinky ass, he swang for the fences. I wasn’t even sure it was humanely possible to fuck as fast as Jerry did Neal. Only other time I’ve seen this was when JJ Swift fucked Dmitry Dickov in TrueJizz. Neal took that monster uncut cock like a champ though, getting pounded away and loving every second of it. He took Jerry’s nut right to the mouth and swallowed as many drops as he could before it dried to his face. Do you want to see more of Neal?


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