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Jesse Feeds Zander

Everytime we film Zander in a new episode, I find myself thinking about how pleasant Zander is to film. It’s so great having him around the studio, and he takes to every bit of action we throw him in to enthusiastically and eagerly. For his part, Jesse definitely seems to have some Zander-ish qualities. He has a fun-loving, go-getter attitude and was up for any and every bit of action he could get in to at CF, and is extremely laidback and easygoing. These guys also have their obsession with fitness in common – they immediately bonded after meeting, working out together and sharing gym time with one another. They have the same approach to working out and hitting the gym – getting as toned and as cut as possible. It makes for two sexy looking jock studs, and makes for some super hot visuals as we get them paired up with one another here! Zander welcomes Jesse to CF with a blazing hot fuck – one that results in Zander blasting off a load while Jesse’s stiff dick pounds his hole, and Jesse firing off a load in to Zander’s hungry mouth!


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