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JJ Knight & Devin Franco – Beach Rats of Lauderdale

It’s night time in Fort Lauderdale. Do you know where your weed is? Devin Franco has to admit to his buddies that he got rolled in the park and it doesn’t go well. With nowhere to go and feeling deserted by his buddies, Devin rides his bike to a public restroom to drown his sorrows with big dick. When a car pulls up, he finds JJ Knight jacking off in the driver’s seat. Devin can’t resist JJ’s monster cock and takes a quick taste. The two move the fun into the restroom where Devin continues his expert cock sucking. JJ plows Devin’s face with his massive, raging hard-on and fingers his ass until both sweaty studs are ready to fuck. When JJ knows that Devin is ready for his raw, giant dick, he slips it deep into the panting hunk and quickly picks up the pace. As Devin gets slammed with his face in the sink, a random stranger enters and starts jacking off to the show. JJ wants to see the look on Devin’s face as he’s getting fucked bareback and gets the stud on his back. JJ keeps stretching Devin to the limits until he makes Devin blast a giant load all over himself. JJ takes his cue and dumps his load in Devin’s ass before he fucks it deep inside. JJ isn’t one to stick around after he’s blown his load, and he takes off to let the stranger take over. Just as the random dude gets inside Devin’s spent ass, the restroom door opens and suddenly Devin’s fate is changed forever.


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