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John Henry Has The Pleasure Of Helping Break In Newer Guy Charles

John Henry has the pleasure of helping break in newer guy Charles Owens, who’s still a little shy to get things started. But John takes charge, kissing him hard and exploring Charles’s body with his mouth as he kisses and licks his sensitive nipples, sending waves of pleasure through Charles before moving down to suck that dick. Taking him in his mouth, John pulls Charles’s cock in and out between his lips, teasing him with that skilled mouth as Charles starts to relax and enjoy himself even more. Standing up in front of Charles, John puts his big dick in his mouth and fucks his face, letting Charles suck on that dick then getting on his knees to eat Charles out. Ticklish at first, Charles slowly overcomes the new sensation of getting his ass rimmed and licked and begins to enjoy it more with each passing second, and when John has that ass wet and relaxed he stands up and pushes his cock inside it. Closing his eyes, Charles takes that raw dick and moans as John penetrates him deeper, letting John put him in any position he wants as he fucks him hard. Doing it on the couch, standing up, bent over the chair, there’s no limit for these sexy studs as they fuck until they’re both squirting loads of cum!


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