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Johnny & Ryan

Johnny is this week’s bait guy and since his first gay for pay experience on BaitBuddies.com, Johnny’s sexuality has definitely grown! Actually, he prefers men these days and now that things are getting back to normal, Johnny is heading to Palm Springs for vacation! Johnny’s packing up that big dick of his and taking it to Palm Springs to put it to good use! Those men are going to go crazy when they see him whip out that gorgeous 9 incher! But, before he goes, he needs to make some money. So, Johnny contacted Caruso to see if he could trick another straight guy and make double the money to take to his fuck fest in Palm Springs. Ryan is the lucky straight guy that will be paired up with Johnny, he just doesn’t know it yet.. Ryan is a sexy musician with long wavy hair, tats and piercings, ripped jeans, and a beautiful body! Ryan says that he’s the rocker type and he definitely has the looks to be one, but does he fuck like one? Caruso tells both guys to get naked and get hard. If they can stay hard then he’ll bring in the girl. After proving themselves, Caruso steps out to check on the girl. But, he returns with bad news… the girl flaked out and won’t be showing up today so the shoot will have to be rescheduled. Unless, both guys will have sex with each other… Caruso made the offer and even doubled the pay. An offer that Ryan couldn’t resist. So, Johnny reached over, grabbed Ryan’s cock and started stroking it. Without hesitation, Ryan grabbed Johnny’s long dong and started stroking it as well!


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