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Josh Brady Introducing Ethan Tate

For this holiday release, we bring to you the gorgeous gift of new guy, Ethan Tate. Superstar, Josh Brady gets the skinny on the sexy newbie from Oregon. The boys talk coming out, sexy summer camp stories, kinks, and how the beautiful boy got into porn. The tasty tales get beefcake Brady riled up; and, soon enough, the perfect pair are lip locked, and playin’ grab ass! Shirtless, and looking like a peaches, and cream dream, the naughty newbie gets nasty with Brady’s big beef stick, deep throating the sizable schlong like a good slut. Then, Josh orders the pretty boy to stand, while he drops to his knees. He admires the dude’s perfectly fit physique with wandering hands. Next, he shed the boy of his shorts, and out pops the reason this dude was picked for porn! His perfect, HUGE, curved piece compliments his perfectly handsome face, and tight body; and, Brady can’t get enough! He slurps the supersizer down to the balls, showing off his impressive skills to the max. Then, he takes a tour of the twink’s tush with his darting tongue. Unable to stand the schlong stiffening suspense, Josh orders the guy to get on top. Brady gives him a butt-bucking good go on his girthy gift, before slamming Tate’s tail on his back. Ethan moans as his ass gets filled with hard hammering fuck, while butt banging sounds fill the air. The thick dicked thrusts of Josh’s giant cause the newbie to bust, and he covers his creamy white flesh with a fantastic amount of fuck juice. Brady looks at the beauty below him, and heaves out a hefty load, all over the boy’s freshly banged butt. He thumbs some but back up the boy’s cum coated chute, then crams his cock in once more for good measure. Welcome to Helix, Ethan!


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