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Just A Game – Adam Strong & Justin Stone

Adam Strong is playing a game of basketball with his buddies when he blocks a throw that lands the ball WAY out of bounds and onto someone’s private patio. Luckily, Justin Stone is there to pick-up the ball when it stops rolling. Adam, who wants his ball, jumps the fence and what follows is perhaps one of the most awkwardly endearing moments between twinks. You can just hear them wondering, OMG, does he like me? Justin invites Adam to come inside and the two no longer have to wonder because they are instantly on each other, heavy into kissing and touching and making out. Turns out Justin is a major cock sucker and, while servicing Adam, gets his hole finger fucked by the handsome newcomer. Before long, Justin straddles Adam and rides him raw before getting on all fours. Adam fucks Justin bareback, eventually flipping the slender twink onto his back and pounding away until they both unload some of that fresh, creamy stuff. So…do you want to play a game?


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