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Just Take Me – Justin Cross & Andrew Callahan

Compact Andrew Callahan is new to Southern Strokes, and there’s no one better than tall, dark, and handsome Justin Cross to show him the ropes. At first, hung Justin takes it easy on Andrew as they kiss and make out. Justin then drops to his knees to service Andrew, taking his incredibly fat cock in his mouth. But as Justin sucks Andrew’s cock, the twink grows hungry and wants some dick of his own. They trade positions, with Andrew devouring Justin’s meaty shaft and getting his face fucked in the process. Adorable Andrew is soon on all fours, ass up in the air, stretched and fucked bareback by Justin. Andrew is soon sitting on Justin’s cock, bouncing up and down as he impales himself on Justin’s big cock. Andrew blasts an enormous load while fucking himself then gets in nice and close as Justin lets loose.


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