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Justice For Blake

Justice has known it was only a matter of time before we eventually asked him to bend over and serve up his temptingly round, hairy ass to another man’s dick. With his one-year anniversary right around the corner, we figured what better time to turn the tables on yet another stubborn “top” than the start of an exciting new year? Our New Year’s celebration continues with this intimate and surprising one-on-one encounter between Justice and Blake as they bring in 2019 the right way with plenty of passionate kissing, sloppy-wet dick-sucking, hot and hungry ass-eating, and best of all, Justice finally giving up his tight, hairy ass to Blake’s lucky dick! “​You’re fucking TAKING IT!” ​Justice ​groans ​in stunned disbelief as Blake Bishop patiently pries open his unbelievably tight, tiny hole and greedily plunges his huge, RAW dick in and out of that formerly off-limits ass we’ve all been eager to see STUFFED WITH A DICK ever since Justice’s gay porn debut. It’s a shockingly new submissive side of Justice we’ve NEVER seen before, as he moans and curses but ultimately SURRENDERS HIS ASS in this classic “take-down” you do NOT want to miss.


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