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Justin Eros & Tony Orion

Justin Eros is back and he’s ready to convince another straight guy to go gay for pay! So far, Justin hasn’t had any problems and that’s probably because of his good looks and big dick! Who in their right mind would turn either of them down? Tony is this week’s straight guy and he wants you to know that he’s a straight and very masculine man! Tony is from Brazil and he prides himself on being a “Macho man!” Caruso asks Tony what does it mean to be Macho and he says that it’s being as manly as possible and fucking any type of girl. Basically, you don’t turn down any chance to fuck a girl and you definitely don’t turn her down in front of your macho buddies! Tony says when he hears the word “pussy” it gets him hard and ready to go. Oh, and he refers to his big uncut cock as the “Destroyer!” Caruso has both guys strip down and get hard. Tony was already rock hard and Justin wasn’t far behind him. So, Caruso told them to sit tight and he’d go check on the girl. But, he returned with bad news that the girl wasn’t going to make it. Tony wasn’t happy at all and he was really hoping to fuck today. Caruso decided to throw out another offer… if both guys will have sex with each other then he’ll double their pay. Justin was all in but Tony needed about 2 seconds the think about it and then he agreed. Well, as long as nothing would be going up his butt!
