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Justin lost tape

Justin lost tape was made exactly three years ago, you may recognize the setting, it was the same hotel where I shot with Prince, Rico and Ron, ahhh so many good memories. Anyways for some reason I thought it was not good enough for my very demanding Hunters lol, after all Beefcake Justin has giving stellar performances before and after that at BeefCakeHunter Land , but in this Covid times it was worth taking a second look of the footage and now I don’t understand what I was thinking back then, well, that happens to all of us right? Our Polish Beefcake have been clubbing the night before, he even got into a fight, you can see a small wound in his right arm, and he did not tell me, but I am pretty sure he had sex the night before lol but it was my last night in town and I didn’t want to leave without having that big cock in my mouth again! While I was looking where to start service Justin, he was completely naked and jerking off a bit, so we can appreciate what is in the plate for BCH dinner: a tasty Polish sausage in all its glory! The servicing in this Justin lost tape begun at the bed’s edge, where you can appreciate his whole sexy body, and of course I took the opportunity to caress his hairy chest while I was blowing him. Like always, Justin delivered his hot facial expressions and moaning that would melt any cocksucker but I should also admit that he was paying a lot of attention to the pussy porn as well, like I said I think he had sex the night before and needed the extra help to be completely in the zone like in other occasions. After a lot of sucking, balls licking and deep throating I started to kiss his legs and jerking him off at the same time and that brought him to the climax where he gave us a nice amount of cum, so no disappointing there. At the end, Justin was very happy, and the maid hotel showed up just in time like many other occasions in my BCH crusades lol. I hope you guys enjoy this Justin lost tape, the last one in the BCH vault before the Covid quarantine, I love you guys for your support during this times and I my sincere wishes are that you all are well and healthy.
