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Justin Matthews & Nic Sahara – Five Brothers: The Takedown

Episode 3: The Senator’s Son Jay Dymel returns from fucking the Chief of Staff to reveal that the family is going to need Nic Sahara’s help to put Senator Valenti in their back pocket. It’s up to cousin Aaron Saavy to convince Nic to seduce the senator and secretly video tape their sexual encounter. PLOT TWIST: the Senator is not home but his son, the ripped and handsome Justin Matthew, is. With his camera phone propped up, Nic pushes record and the mission is underway. Lucky for Nic he doesn’t have to do much work to get Justin out of his clothes and his cock in Justin’s mouth. They fuck on the kitchen counter in plain view of God and everybody, including Nic’s hidden camera, which captures all the hot cock sucking and ass fucking action. Well done Nic!


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