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Karavana’s 8″ of sweet cock for the holidays

Beefcake Karavana is certainly one of the first legends at BCH. I always knew that at some point I’d have to rescue some of the footage from that unforgettable encounter, that never came to light; and what a better opportunity than right now that I am waiting to resume my “hunting” to do so. The original version of 8” of sweet cock for the holidays’ video… was only thirteen minutes long. This newly remastered version increases the length of the video; by adding more minutes of the blow job, Karavana being verbal, and additional minutes of pounding with different angles and split-screen. One of the Hunters who suggested this video was right, there is a lot of juicy moments that I can’t believe I left out back then. Now, I realized how verbal and dominant this Afro-German-Latino Beefcake was. I even feel a little embarrassed of how he tried so hard to engage with me, I added a split-screen chat, but he has an accent that sadly at the moment I couldn’t fully understand! So, I did not follow up, gosh! I wish I can go back in time, especially when he said that he bought an underwear just for me. THANK YOU Karavana! And thank you, Hunters, for sticking with me so far. I’m still working hard to resume shootings legally and safe as soon as possible. I hope you enjoy this new version of 8” of sweet cock for the holidays… video, below is the original text: 8″ of sweet cock for the holidays .., Karavana is the perfect combination of sweetness and wildness, this young Beefcake is down to business anytime, and his energy is ever lasting, hmm… He answered my ad, and he asked me what I was looking for; I started by offering a professional blow job, and he told me “what about If I fuck you?” Well, you don’t have to ask me twice about it! lol. I knew with that ever hard 8″ cock, smooth body and athletic completion, this Beefcake will satisfy me all the way to exhaustion. He even gave me some other ideas for our next shootings together, and I will definitely take his advice! Since he told me he won’t do this for long, and that he will stop once he becomes a Manager where he works, let’s take as many rides while we can, with this sexy young Beefcake Karavana!


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