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Kellan & Dane’s POV Fuck

Time to get up close and personal with Kellan and Dane in a blazing hot POV episode! This one is about as intimate as it gets – no one but these two studs taking turns holding the camera (with another two tucked away on tripods in the corner), going at it entirely on their own, filming what they want to film and letting us join in with some incredible point-of-view perspectives. You really do feel like you’re in the room and on the bed with them, and both of these guys sure as heck know how to make this session a pleasure to watch. Neither one of these guys hold back, as they’re clearly in to one another. After lots of sloppy cock sucking and deep throating, it’s obvious Dane just can’t wait to get Kellan’s dick in him, and eagerly backs his ass up on to it. Dane was so eager for Kellan’s cock and wanted it so bad, in fact, that it’s not long before he can’t help but cum as Kellan strokes his dick and pumps his hole. The fucking is far from over, though – despite Dane having already blown a load, they’re not even halfway through! Kellan keeps on drilling Dane’s hole long and hard before fucking another load out of Dane and blasting off a massive one himself!


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