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Kieran & Riley

Blond-haired Kieran and boyish looking Riley were on the basketball court sweating it out before their intimate one-on-one play. “So what was your first impression of me upon meeting?” asks athletic Riley. “I looked at you, and you were fucking cute as hell. You have the whole body thing going for you, which is awesome, and then I saw your ass! I was like I really need to get into that!” replies muscular Kieran. “I’m glad because I took one look at you, and was like woof! I like guys who are athletic, cut, and obviously I like a little bit of size down under. It’s always fun to play with,” says Riley. “You know my dick is like 8-inches. Do you really think you can take that whole thing?” asks Kieran. “Well, definitely going to have to try!” answers Riley with a gleeful sigh.


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