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Kosta Viking and Pol Prince Flip Fuck – Bareback Auditions 14

When a model like Kosta Viking starts filming for Lucas Entertainment, it’s important to get to know him with an interview in the “Bareback Auditions” style and tradition. We first saw Kosta Viking debut with his real-life boyfriend, Rudy Gram, where they took turns sharing Allen King. And once Pol Prince saw how hot Kosta Viking is, he wanted a piece of the blond Italian. He was cast to star with Kosta because Pol wanted to grab the handsome model by his long blond curls and give a good pull while he sodomized him deep in his ass. And guess what—that is exactly what he does! Pol Prince’s muscles are trim and tight, and they flex with masculine beauty as he pumps his raw cock in and out of Kosta Viking. Pol prefers to top, but he’s willing to spin around and give it up for the right guy. Well, there’s no guy more right than Kosta Viking. Kosta takes his time as he fucks Pol Prince on his back, and as his uncut Italian cock slides pumps up a load, Kosta’s long damp hair hangs around his face!


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