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Kosta Viking & Tomas Brand Flip Fuck – Daddy And His Admirers

Tomas Brand, the King of All Muscle Daddies, has taken on many lovers and fuck buddies younger than himself over the years. He doesn’t even have to seek them out. They all find him, because he’s the perfect daddy. Kosta Viking, Lucas Entertainment’s new and beautiful exclusive model, developed a fixation on Tomas Brand quickly, as he has always had a special attraction to men older than him. But he’s never seen someone quite like Tomas. During their first kiss, Kosta is sitting on Tomas Brand’s knee in his underwear, and his daddy is fondling his erection in his black briefs. Tomas Brand sometimes finds himself with the desire to bottom, and before he fucks the living hell out of Kosta Viking, he first bends over and take it up the ass from the beautiful young man!


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