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Kosuke & Reach – Tokyo Love Stories Episode 3

Kosuke and Reach met a couple years ago at a gathering of friends. Since then, they’ve been inseparable, especially dick to hole-wise. They are patient and kind to each other, and that’s what keeps their spark burning bright. After a kiss for the camera, they are stripping down on the couch and getting down to the hot and dirty fun! Kosuke gives his muscular partner sweet little kisses, then pulls his pants down. Reach nuzzles Kosuke’s swelling crotch and licks his big, low-hanging nuts. Once his dick is wet, stiff and fuck-ready, Kosuke fingers Reach’s hole to lube it up. Eager to take Kosuke’s XXL cock, Reach rises to all fours and sticks his ass back towards his boyfriend. Cock slides into hole as though they were made for each other, and these two Asian barefuckers are off to the races. Kosuke keeps one hand on Reach’s hips as he drills in deep. His big balls slap into Reach’s hairy crack. Reach howls with satisfaction, turns to kiss his built and hung buddy as they hit the edge of ecstasy. With Reach’s strong legs wrapped around and pulling him in further, Kosuke can’t hold back. He pulls out just in time to shoot a creamy wad onto Reach’s tongue and splatters his face.They share a cummy kiss to celebrate their happy relationship.


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