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Kyler Riding Rocky’s Rock

It is really great to have Rocky back at CF, and getting in to some hot action with our new stable of guys. Rocky might be new to most of the guys at CF now, but he’s certainly not new to us – we haven’t forgotten that hot body, that countryboy charm, and that big uncut cock of his! Of course, as you know by now, Rocky’s not entirely new to Kyler either! Kyler got to tagteam Rocky with Roman in our special Halloween episode. As hot as that episode was, it made us all want to see Rocky and Kyler together again. More importantly, it also really made us all want to see Rocky use that big dick of his on Kyler! I suspect, during their Halloween threesome, Kyler caught a glimpse and taste of Rocky’s cock and couldn’t help but think to himself he wanted it in his hole – Kyler’s been looking forward to this one as much as us. That’s evident in the noises Kyler makes and the expressions on his face as Rocky starts to drill him, Rocky’s big dick driving in and out of Kyler’s hole. It’s evident by how hard Kyler’s own cock is while he bounces up and down on Rocky’s, and the load he fires off while Rocky’s dick is pistoning in and out of his ass. It’s not just Kyler’s load that’s huge here, though – Rocky’s is monumental.


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