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Latin bare friends – Viktor Rom & Valdo Smith

Hole-destroyer Viktor Rom and his young friend Valdo Smith are spending some time together, showing each other their epic fucks on the phones. Temperature in the room quickly rises and our hung top can’t resist the provocative Valdo, that takes off his pants and rubs his ass in Viktor’s face. The quick rimming session makes the Colombian crazy horny and in a second he ends up kneeling down, opening his mouth wide to swallow every inch of Rom’s huge cock. But Viktor just cannot get enough of tasting ass and puts Smith doggy-style to taste again his hole and lick it like a master. Our young bottom now wants dick and stretches his asshole as never before to receive the Latin monster deep inside. His ass seems not to have a end and Viktor pounds him bareback in every possible position, while Valdo continues to beg for more cock and harder fucking. Looks like he will finally get what he deserves: a shower of juicy cum all over his face and mouth!


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