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Leeroy Jones & Scott Finn

Leeroy Jones loves to take the more dominate role as he has Scott Finn service him like a good soldier that has been on the front lines more than once. He kicks back and has Scott Finn slowly suck on his big thick cock as he smiles watching down on Scott’s slim sexy body. Scott is able to get every inch easily down his wet throat which makes Leeroy think he can easily take his big dick. Leeroy has had enough of Scott’s cock sucking and so he bends him over revealing his smooth tight ass and slowly pushes his big throbbin cock into him making his ass clinch up as the thickness spreads his hole wider and wider the deeper Leeroy goes. Leeroy knows he has a big dick so he takes it easy on Scott but every time he thrusts slowly he makes sure to slide every inch of his dick in and out making Scott go crazy. Leeroy pulls his raw cock out and Scott strokes all his cum out onto himself as Leeroy keeps stroking his meaty dick until he blasts a rail gun of a cum load directly at Scott’s face just barely missing him.


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