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Leo Ocean & Hunter Dickson

We couldn’t wait to get sexy little Leo back for more after his first duo in March, and when we knew gorgeous new boy Hunter was coming in for his debut it was an immediate match. These boys are perfect for each other, matched in lust and build, two hard young uncut cocks eager for attention. The sparks are flying from the first moments, the kissing and groping quickly leading to their dicks being swapped in some delicious friendly slurping. We could watch these smooth boys sucking cock for a while, but you know Leo really needs that arse around his dick, and Hunter isn’t shy about giving it. Our adorable new boy slides down on Leo’s lap for a ride, his pucker welcoming that dick eagerly, then the boy is moaning and having a great time being spooned and fucked from above, Leo pumping his dick in and out until their climaxes quickly approach. The shared wank at the end is a nice ending, and we can’t wait to have new hottie Hunter back for more!


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