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Letting Loose – Adam Strong, Chris Summers & Zack Love

Chris Summers and Zack love are at the kitchen table, anxiously awaiting their buddy Adam Strong to come home. They each have had a stressful week and cannot wait to hit the local club where they can let loose and have a fun time! Once Adam arrives, the three cuties get ready to de-stress with a good time. Once at the club, in a secluded corner, Chris and Zack start making out while Adam looks on. He’s soon part of the action, kissing and sucking cock. Zack quickly ends up in the middle, stripped down to his jockstrap, his face full of cock, his hole stuffed full of tongue as Adam rims his sweet, hungry ass. Chris wants a taste and spins Zack around, eventually sliding his raw twink cock inside super horny Zack, who bounces up and down, fucking himself even as he fucks Adam’s hot, cock sucking mouth. Chris pounds away, bareback fucking Zack into a frenzy, eventually spraying an enormous load all over his real-life boyfriend, while Adam shoots his jizz straight into Zack’s mouth.


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