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Lexis Creamin’ Kar

Handsome Colombian rawfucker Lexis is back, sprawled across a chair in his trademark red cap and jacking his big, ever-ready hardon. New guy Kar teases him from a distance, his stiff cock pitching a tent in his black jersey shorts. But the tease doesn’t last as Kar makes a dive toward Lexis thick tool, taking it deep down his thirsty throat. Lexis gives a little assist, gently pressing down on Kar’s head to encourage him to swallow more and deeper. Once they’re naked on the bed, Lexis rocks Kar back to bury his face in Kar’s sweet smooth ass. Getting it wet and open, he props Kar on the edge of the mattress and rams in raw. Curly-headed Kar rides Lexis like a hobby-horse sliding his slick, juicy butt down into every thrust. Lexis gives a reach-around to keep the sexual temperature rising, then drills in from behind. Kar is hard as a rock and there for every deep stroke. He cranes his neck around to lock his lips against Lexis’. He hoists on bent leg up to open his hole for all Lexis can dish out. As Lexis pulls out to stroke out his load, he slides a couple fingers in to feel Kar’s ass throb around them. Kar shoots a molten splatter across his abs and chest, and Lexis beats out the last few strokes before his load puddles onto Kar. They draw close into a sticky kiss as two cummy bodies slide together in a warm, wet embrace.


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