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Live Bondage Fun with Robin Moore

n this new gay XXX video from ColbyKnox, the boys have some fun with returning favorite Robin Moore!!! Starting with hog-tying the blonde Twink and pummeling his ass with a leather crop and flog. Colby Chambers and Mickey Knox take turns spanking Robin’s ass cheeks red with their respective tools. After a bit of punishment, the boys move on to enjoying Robin’s plump bruised ass in other ways. Mickey takes Robin from behind while Colby sinks his throbbing cock into the shaggy haired twinks warm mouth. The boys familiarity with one another really shows through as they navigate one another bodies. Robin Moore takes charge and rides the hell out of Colby as his husband Mickey looks on and strokes. Next Robin gets a good tag-teaming from the horny duo until everybody is ready to shoot their loads!!!


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