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Loan Eliezer & Jakee Tittan – What Else Can I Do With Your Cock?

akee is approached by a stranger with a camera on the street, offering him the chance to participate in a kinky photo shoot for a couple of bucks. Driven by curiosity, he goes to the stranger’s house and meets Loan, a slender and handsome Latino who had recently started experimenting with making hot content. Loan is confident of his abilities and guides Jakee through the process as he slowly gets closer to him. The sensation of Loan’s hands on his body ignites a desire in Jakee that he had never experienced before. For a second, he completely forgets about being filmed, ignoring the cameraman’s indications and focusing on Loan’s black cock. Obsessed with it, he puts it into his mouth and discovers with awe the bittersweet taste of another man’s cock. Now, there’s no turning back: Jakee won’t stop until he feels Loan’s thick shaft pushing deep inside of his hole.
