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Local Flavor

In this new Gay Porn video release from ColbyKnox, something a little different… Its fun visiting other countries. Enjoying the different food, sites and of course the local guys!!! While the boys were in Mexico, Colby and Mickey stumbled upon this sexy young Twink at a waterpark and hit it off. They invited him to come visit them at their resort and have some fun, and of course they had to ask if they could film it for everyone on ColbyKnox.com to enjoy as well!!! We apologize for any lack of our usual quality, but we figured it wouldn’t make much difference given the authenticity of this video and how sexy and cute Benny Lee is. It was his first time being filmed and was a bit nervous, but being able to handle both Colby Chambers and Mickey Knox at once is no small feat even if your used to a camera pointed at you. The boys have extended an invite to Benny to come and do some more filming in the future:)


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