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Lucky Break – Scott Finn & Carter Woods

Scott Finn’s broken hand has got him laid up and bummed out. He can’t even really jerk off right now. But every dark cloud has a silver lining, and so with nothing better to do, Carter Woods figures he may as well help Scott out with his problem. He gets no argument, even though Scott admits he’s kind of helpless to even undress himself. Carter tells him he’ll take care of him, leading him back to the bedroom. Once there, Carter delivers on his promise, laying Scott on his back and taking care of everything. He readies Scott’s hole with his tongue before plunging his dick deep inside Scott’s waiting hole. Scott moans with pleasure. He was hoping for a helping hand but Carter’s deep dick assistance is so much better. Carter fucks Scott good and hard all over the bed before pounding him one last push until Scott shoots his load all over himself. Carter pulls out and gives Scott another healthy blast for good measure, coating him with cum that makes him forget all about his injury.


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