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Marc Montana & Johnny B

Marc Montana will be sucking cock for his first time and Johnny B is the lucky one. Dirk walks in on Johnny beating off in the room and informs him that Marc will be showing up soon. Johnny is excited to be his first as he sits stroking his cock waiting for him to arrive. Once Marc arrives he sees Johnny’s big cock and soon his clothes are off and they both begin some touching. Johnny gets things going first as he warms up Marc’s sexy dick with his eager mouth. He deep throats every inch of that throbbing cock with his skilled mouth. Marc is loving it and when Johnny asks if he is ready Marc doesn’t waste any time and slowly wraps his virgin mouth around that big thick cock slowly sucking on it and feeling the hardness of mans cock in his mouth. Marc flips Johnny over and pushes his hard dick into his tight eager ass and begins to moan with pleasure as Marc enjoys that ass. Marc loves to mix it up and fucks him in a few different positions until he Johnny cums all over himself. Marc pulls his raw dick out and has him get on his knees as he strokes his dick until he blasts his warm load all over Johnny’s waiting face.


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